
Lesson 9 - Corner Tutorial

When you make a nice image or picture with
a border around it, sometimes it just shouts out
for that finishing touch and corners can do that.
There are many wonderful corner tubes on the net
but be careful of copyrights and always read the
Terms Of Use.
Here I will show you how you can make your own
quite easily. This will get your imagination going
and creative spirit awakened so that you can go
out looking for the effective Dingbats that can make
wonderful corners.
Dingbats are created just the same as Fonts
so when you download it, see if there is a read me file
and be sure to read it for TOU.
If you find a nice one you want to share, we have
a Fonts and Dingbats section in our main group.
This allows us to recognise that maker and share with others.
Downloading Dingbats is the same as fonts. They always
go in the Fonts folder or you can just have them open when
you want from a stored folder.
Enough talk...lets get making a corner!!!
Open up your PSP
New Canvas 400 x 400 transparent background
Set your Foreground to dark Grey and the background to null
Click on your Text Tool and find the dingbat
see my settings below
Type out the design. In the one I used 'Linedings' by Brian Kent
I typed the letter 'p' 7 times.
Go to Selections select none
Go to Effects / Texture Effects/Sculture
Choose the Silver or Gold design depending on colour you want.

Go to Image/ Rotate Clockwise 90 degrees
Layers/New Raster Layer
type your dingbags again same as before.
Effects/Texture Effects/Sculpture/Silver
Go to mover tool and move this to make a corner angle
with the other.
Layer/Merge/Merge Visible.
we need to crop around the corner now
go to Crop tool and drag around the corner..see below
then hit Crop.
To save this into your tube folder for future use
go to File./ Export/Picture Tube
When the box comes up give your tube a name.
I called mine Silver Corner (original huh)
 Then click OK and its all saved!!
You now have your tube stored in your Tube folder and you can
click on your tube tool and see it
To add to your image you may need to resize, but thats
the beauty of tubes, they can be resized without losing
clarity and quality.
Open your Image and add your border.
Go to tube tool and find your corner.
On your image add new raster layer and click a corner anywhere
on the image and use your mover tool to push it into place
New Raster layer and click tube on again and go to Image/Mirror
and push into other corner.
Again New raster layer, click tube on and go to Image/Flip
and push into bottom corner.
New Raster layer, click tube on again and go to Image/Flip/Mirror
and push into the other corner.
Thats it. If all looks good go to Layers Merge/Merge Flatten
and save as JPEG.
Play around with corners and see the effects!!!
Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.
Tutorial Written By Annie©

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